Wednesday 7 January 2015

What is Conversion Rate Optimization?

Conversion rate optimization is the use of analytics, user feedback, and related measurements to improve a website's performance. Used correctly, the CRO can help improve key performance indicators or any other metric that you consider important to your business. Today, however, the CRO is mostly associated with attracting and acquiring new leads, customers, downloads, registrations, and subscriptions. It helps increase the percentage of passive browsers that turn into valuable conversions.

Conversion rate optimization, in essence, has everything to do with figuring out exactly what users are looking for as they arrive at a website and giving it to them. It takes various forms and is largely based on what KPI or key performance indicator you are trying to improve. Most of the time, CRO involves making CTA or call to action more apparent, other times, it means removing or simplifying time-consuming or complicated steps from the conversion funnel so conversions are easier to achieve.

Any business owner serious about attracting new customers and keeping existing ones should care about their website's conversion rate. One way or another, you are likely paying for traffic to come to your site. This means that higher conversion rates translate to better returns on investment. Moreover, converting the visitors you already have into paying customers is also a lot more cost-effective than attracting more visitors. Conversion rate optimization also enables you to address the limited attention span of average visitors by giving them exactly what they want before they can even think about clicking on the back button.

Since conversion rate is determined by a wide range of different metrics and indicators, it is important to remember that optimization should also be about getting the right kind of customers instead of merely optimizing the conversion rates of a page or a campaign blindly. Your optimization efforts are futile if the people you are attracting the wrong kind of people for your business.

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